Swyfft Partner API
REST API overview
The Swyfft Partner API uses HTTP methods and a RESTful endpoint structure. The API authentication framework is based on API key. Requests and responses have JSON-formatted data.
Use the Swyfft REST APIs in these environments:
- Sandbox/Test Use your test
sent to you to make calls to the Sandbox URI: https://beta.swyfft.com/partnerapi/v1 - Live/Production Use your production
sent to you to make calls to the Live/Production URI: https://www.swyfft.com/partnerapi/v1
Note: Swyfft uses secure HTTPS protocol and it replies with HTTP 403 (Forbidden) "SSL Required" when HTTP is used.
To construct a REST call, combine:
- The HTTP method
- The full URI to the resource
- HTTP headers
- The JSON-formatted payload
Website Widget
Swyfft also provides a simple, easy-to-use widget that you can load onto your website with as little as two lines of code. See the Widget page for more details.
Who do I talk to?
If you have questions about how to use the Swyfft Partner API, contact our support team at partnerapi@swyfft.com.
While Swyfft continues to support its API for legacy partners, we are no longer accepting new partners into our API program.
Swyfft uses API keys to allow access to the API.
Swyfft expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
X-SwyfftApiKey: SwyfftApiKey
Note: SwyfftApiKeys
are different for Test and Production environments and sent separately to you.
If authentication fails an HTTP 401 is returned with an error response in the body.
"StatusCode": 1010,
"Error": {
"Code": 1010,
"Message": "Unrecognized api key."
var quote = @"
'FullAddress': '20 Cedar Dr, Rochelle Park NJ 07662',
'LivingSpace': 1200
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage()
Method = HttpMethod.Put,
RequestUri = new Uri(baseUrl + "quote"),
Content = new StringContent(quote, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
request.Headers.Add("X-SwyfftApiKey", swyfftApiKey);
var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
define('SWYFFTKEY', 'SwyfftApiKey');
$postData = [ 'FullAddress' => '20 Cedar Dr, Rochelle Park NJ 07662', 'LivingSpace' => 1200 ];
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'PUT',
'header' => 'X-SwyfftApiKey: ' . SWYFFTKEY . "\r\n".
'Content-Type: application/json' . "\r\n",
'content' => json_encode($postData)
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
echo file_get_contents(BASEURL . 'quote', false, $context);
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
-v <base URL>/quote
-H "X-SwyfftApiKey: SwyfftApiKey"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{\"FullAddress\": \"20 Cedar Dr, Rochelle Park NJ 07662\", \"LivingSpace\": 1200}"
Make sure to replace
with your API key.The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"Quote": {
"QuoteGuid": "b2c6a8eb-8c35-4e9d-a05a-8e5a2d4dc54e",
"Address": {
"AddressKey": "07662320220",
"Street1": "20 Cedar Dr",
"City": "Rochelle Park",
"State": "NJ",
"Zip5": "07662",
"FullAddress": "20 Cedar Dr, Rochelle Park NJ 07662"
"ChangeQuoteUrl": "<base URL>/quote?quoteid=b2c6a8eb8c354e9da05a8e5a2d4dc54e",
"PurchaseQuoteUrl": "<base URL>/purchase?quoteid=b2c6a8eb8c354e9da05a8e5a2d4dc54e",
"Elements": [{
"ElementName": "YearUpgraded",
"ElementDisplay": "Year Upgraded",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1960.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "LiquidFuelRiskClass",
"ElementDisplay": "Liquid Fuel Risk Class",
"ElementValueType": "String",
"Value": "100"
}, {
"ElementName": "CoverageELimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Personal Liability",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "500000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "CoverageFLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Medical Expenses",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "5000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "CoverageDLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Living Expenses",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "80000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "CoverageBLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Other Structures",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "25000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "CoverageCLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Personal Property",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "120000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "PrivateResidenceFullTimeOutservantCount",
"ElementDisplay": "Residence Outservants",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "PrivateEstateFullTimeOutservantCount",
"ElementDisplay": "Estate Outservants",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "PrivateResidenceEstateFullTimeInservantCount",
"ElementDisplay": "Estate/Residence Inservants",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "PersonalPropertyEnhancementLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Enhanced Personal Property Coverage",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "LeadRiskClass",
"ElementDisplay": "Lead Risk Class",
"ElementValueType": "String",
"Value": "500"
}, {
"ElementName": "ReplacementCost",
"ElementDisplay": "Home Value",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "235827.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "ProtectiveDevicesSprinklersYesNo",
"ElementDisplay": "Sprinklers Discount",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "LivingSpace",
"ElementDisplay": "Square Footage",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1200.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "ProtectiveDevicesBurglarAlarms",
"ElementDisplay": "Burglar Alarm Discount",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "NumLosses",
"ElementDisplay": "Loss History",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": null
}, {
"ElementName": "EscapedLiquidFuelLeadLiabilityCoverage",
"ElementDisplay": "Escaped Liquid Fuel/Lead Liability Coverage",
"ElementValueType": "Boolean",
"Value": "False"
}, {
"ElementName": "PersonalInjuryCoverage",
"ElementDisplay": "Personal Injury",
"ElementValueType": "Boolean",
"Value": "False"
}, {
"ElementName": "LimitedWaterBackupLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Water Back-Up/Sump Discharge Coverage",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "YearBuilt",
"ElementDisplay": "Year Built",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1960.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "Deductible",
"ElementDisplay": "Deductible",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "IdentityFraudCoverage",
"ElementDisplay": "Identity Fraud Expense Coverage",
"ElementValueType": "Boolean",
"Value": "False"
}, {
"ElementName": "NumStories",
"ElementDisplay": "Stories",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1.5000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "SinkholeCollapseLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Sinkhole Collapse Coverage",
"ElementValueType": "Boolean",
"Value": "False"
}, {
"ElementName": "FungiWetDryRotBacteriaPropertyLimit",
"ElementDisplay": "Fungi/Rot/Bacteria Property Limit",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "10000.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "ProtectiveDevicesFireAlarms",
"ElementDisplay": "Fire Alarm Discount",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "0.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "RoofAge",
"ElementDisplay": "Roof Age",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "10.0000000"
}, {
"ElementName": "Construction",
"ElementDisplay": "Construction",
"ElementValueType": "String",
"Value": "Frame"
}, {
"ElementName": "OccasionalServantCount",
"ElementDisplay": "Occasional Servants",
"ElementValueType": "Decimal",
"Value": "1.0000000"
"Fees": [{
"Name": "PligaFeeNJ",
"DisplayName": "Property-Liability Guaranty Association Fee (NJ PLIGA)",
"Type": "Annual",
"Value": "4.2000"
}, {
"Name": "MonthlyInstallmentFee",
"DisplayName": "Monthly Installment Fee",
"Type": "Monthly",
"Value": "6.0000"
"ManualPremiumAdjustment": 0.0000,
"DownPayment": 58.3300,
"MonthlyInstallmentFee": 6.0000,
"RawAnnualPremium": 699.7882,
"AnnualPremium": 700.0000,
"MonthlyPayment": 64.3300,
"GrossAnnualPayment": 704.2000,
"GrossDownPayment": 62.5300,
"AnnualFeesTotal": 4.2000,
"QuotePremiumErrors": [],
"QuoteWarnings": []
"StatusCode": 0,
"Error": null
Get or Retreive a specific Quote
HTTP Request
PUT <base URL>/quote
JSON Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
FullAddress | Yes | The full address of the home. E.g. "20 Cedar Dr, Rochelle Park NJ 07662" |
LivingSpace | No | The number of square feet in the home. E.g. "1200" |
Return Value
The following values can appear in the ElementValueType attribute:
Type |
Decimal |
Boolean |
String |
Note that the Value attribute values are always quoted.
var address = "2300 ha";
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = new Uri(baseUrl + "addresses?partialAddress=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(address))
request.Headers.Add("X-SwyfftApiKey", swyfftApiKey);
var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
define('swyfftkey', 'SwyfftApiKey');
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => 'X-SwyfftApiKey: ' . SWYFFTKEY . "\r\n".
'Content-Type: application/json' . "\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$partial = '2300 ha';
echo file_get_contents(BASEURL . 'addresses?partialAddress=' . urlencode($partial), false, $context);
-v <base URL>/addresses?partialAddress=2300%20ha
-H "X-SwyfftApiKey: SwyfftApiKey"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Make sure to replace
with your API key.The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"Addresses": [{
"AddressKey": "36617251500",
"Street1": "2300 Hathcox St",
"City": "Mobile",
"State": "AL",
"Zip5": "36617",
"FullAddress": "2300 Hathcox St, Mobile AL 36617"
"StatusCode": 0,
"Error": null
Get addresses formatted in a manner that Swyfft recognizes.
HTTP Request
GET <base URL>/address?partialAddress=<partial address>
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
partialAddress | Yes | A partial address for the home. E.g. "2300%20ha" - remember to urlencode the value. The system does a "starts with" comparison so trying to seach for a town name will not work. |
Although the Swyfft API provides control and flexibility, it also comes "with some assembly required". If what you want is a simple way to show an address box on your web page, the Swyfft Widget may be closer to what you need. With two lines of code, you can add a widget to your website that will look something like this:
The way you do this is very simple. You decide where on your web page you want the Swyfft widget to appear, and place an HTML element there with an appropriately styled height and width. (We recommend at least 500 pixels high and 500 pixels wide.)
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.swyfft.com/Widgets/Dist/widgets.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swyfft.widgets.addressWidget.show('#PutYourTargetElementIdHere', 'PutYourApiKeyHere', SetToTrueToOpenQuoteOnNewTab);
// Optionally override the widget's error handling.
swyfft.widgets.addressWidget.onError(function(err) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
if (err.Message && err.Message.indexOf("underwriting guidelines") > 0) {
// Show your own error message here, and then resolve the promise with
// "true" value to indicate that you handled it.
} else {
// Resolve the promise with a "false" value to indicate that Swyfft's
// widget should proceed with its default handling.
} catch (ex) {
// If an error happens, and you don't want to deal with it yourself,
// reject the promise and send it back to the Swyfft widget.
Then add the javascript to the right to your page:
(Obviously, replacing the #PutYourTargetElementIdHere
, PutYourApiKeyHere
and SetToTrueToOpenQuoteOnNewTab
with the appropriate element id, API key and boolean value.)
You can see an example of how to do it on the ~/Swyfft.ApiDemo.Web/Views/Home/Widget.cshtml
page in the Swyfft API Demo project.
If you need to override any of the CSS styling, you can do that by overriding the styles defined in the widget's (automatically loaded) stylesheet.
We've also added support for customizable error handling. If you'd like to override Swyfft's error handling for the widget, you can pass a callback function to the AddressWidget's onError
method. The callback should return a Promise that resolves to true if you've handled the error or to false if you haven't. In the event an error occurs in your handler and you want Swyfft's error handling to take care of it, you can reject the promise with the exception.
Swyfft returns standard HTTP status codes for successful and error responses.
HTTP status codes
Status Code | Meaning |
200 | Request OK |
400 | Validation error |
401 | Authentication errors or Unauthorized request |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | Swyfft server error |
Error responses
The response body for all errors includes additional error details in this format:
"StatusCode": 1104,
"Error": {
"Code": 1104,
"Message": "Invalid request. Invalid LivingSpace value."
Error Codes and Messages
Every response has a "StatusCode" and "Error" attribute. StatusCode is a number. Non-zero indicates an error occured. Error is an optional object with "Code" and "Message" attributes. This attribute will be NULL if no error occured. Code is a number and matches StatusCode. Message is a string and is a human readable description about the error suitable for displaying to the user.
Status Code | Meaning |
0 | No error. |
1000 | Unknown error occurred. |
1010 | Unrecognized api key. |
1101 | Invalid request. |
1102 | Invalid request. FullAddress is empty. |
1103 | Could not find property information for specified address. |
1104 | Invalid request. Invalid LivingSpace value. |
1105 | Invalid request. Invalid QuoteGuid. |
1201 | Sorry, we don't support this property yet. We're working on it. |
1202 | Sorry, we don't cover this type of property. |
1203 | A quote for this address has already been purchased. |
1204 | Could not create quote. Coverage is declined. |
1205 | The agent's license information is missing or does not cover this area. |
1206 | Property does not appear to be a single family residence. |
1207 | The agent's E&O information is missing or has expired. |
1208 | Your agency is not configured to write quotes for this county. |
1209 | The requested property doesn't have a precise location set. |
1301 | Failed to create quote. There is not enough data on this property to generate an automatic quote. |
1401 | Your agency is over daily API call limit. |
1402 | Your agency is over 5 minute API call limit. |
1403 | Your agency does not have API call limits set. |